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I learnt Blender from late June 2020. 3D modeling, hard surface modeling, sculpture, UV unwrapping, texture, render and more.


Pokemon in the Pocket


Christmas Gifts


Day 30: Octopus Robot


Day 29: Spider Robot


Day "28...": The Robo. (Actually it took me three weeks to finish the hard surface modeling class.)


Day 27, 3D Doodle Puppy 


Day 26, Red Hair Boy


Day 25, Ponyo in The Rain


Day 24, Swim with Jelly Fish

Day 23, Gold Fish Girl


Day 22, House


Day 21, Pink Car


Day 20, Tree and Grass

Day 20-4.jpg


Day 19, Liquid


Day 18, Bikini Bottom

Day 18-2.jpg


Day 17, Beach Body

day 17-5.jpg


Day 16, That's My Board!


Day 15, Bye & Hi


Day 14, Sci-fi Hallway


Day 13, Pink Wall


Day 12, Madness vs Order


Day 11, Sci-fi Globe


Day 10, Getting Out


Day 9, Cacti

day 11-4.jpg


Day 8, Sculpture


Day 7, Moon

day 10-8.png


Day 6, Bling Bling Bling.


Day 5, Island


Day 4, Snow.

day 6-4.png


Day 3-1, Basics

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